Sunday 16 June 2019

Term 2- Week 5 STEAM project Pulley machine and Samoan language week

A follow up from last week children finishing their projects.

Reading- Sophia Lene 

This week reading you are learning to visualise the text

Learning intention: reading the text and visualise what i am building.

Successful: How can you show this? I can show this by understanding what this whole thing is I know what I am doing.

The text
How did you visualise what you are building

The text is about a pulley.a pulley is something like that so when you pull one side the other side goes up and that is a pulley.


Learning Intention:
  • Use my vocabulary words in writing

Successful:  How do I know I will be successful?
  • By Summarising the text

Introduction: I will be writing a procedural writing
Main idea one

Main idea two
how to make it
Main idea three
how I felt after making it

Start your writing

How to make a pulley

Today I'll be writing about a pulley how to make a pulley


today I'll be writing about a pulley how to make a pulley

What is a pulley:
A pulley is a machine that helps you lift someone up. Say if you have a heavy box then you can lift it up with a pulley.

What you need to make a pulley:
Wire hanger

How does a pulley work

A pulley is a wheel with a groove along its edge, that holds a rope or cable. Usually, two or more pulleys are used together. When pulleys are used together in this way, they reduce the amount of force needed to lift a load. A crane uses pulleys to help it lift heavy loads.

I never got to finish my pulley machine. But, I know it is to help construction workers do their job. But, we can find pulley machines in our playground and places that surround me.

Spelling- Han Nguyen

Here you will list 10 topic words related to Pulley machine to use in your writing

Learning Intention:
  • To understand what the topic words for a pulley machine mean

Success Criteria:
  • We are able to use these words in my writing to enhance the content for the audience

Tick here if you used it in your writing
A wheel with a grooved rim around which a cord passes, which acts to change the direction of a force applied to the cord and is used to raise heavy things.

a machine with moving parts that converts power into motion.

A circular object that revolves on an axel and is fixed below a vehicle or other object to enable it to move easily over the ground.

a body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.

material consisting of threads of cotton, hemp, or other material twisted together to form a thin length.

a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring.

raise to a higher position or level.

Simple machine
any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force, such as an inclined plane, wedge, or lever.


Maths- Ilisaane Moa

Andrew had $207. He wanted to buy a bike for $900. How much more does he
need to save? 207+693=900    200+600=800 7+93=100 800+100=900    

5) Steve has scored 478 runs so far this season. He wants to have scored 70
by the end of the year. How many more runs does he need to score?  
478+222=700    400+200=600+100=700

6) Mountain View Primary School raised $456
for the Red Cross. The Red Cross
needs $5000 for earthquake victims. How much more money does it need?
456-5000=4544   5000+456=4544
Ilaisaane moa

Samoan Language Week

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