Monday 18 February 2019

Week 2

Whakapono 24 showing their support for the Heart Kids
bringing in their mufti and gold coin donation 

Our classroom treaty centred around our school Values
Participate, Respect,  Integrity, Determination, Empathy

Here are some role plays to how we show our PRIDE in the classroom

Our buddy class for the year
We had some fun going into the pigs and chickens home
and giving their home a good clean and making sure they are safe and happy in their environment.  We also had some buddy reading time it was so fun.  Thanks, Aroha 1.

Lastly, we got to ride on our school bike track :)


  1. Nice buddy reading W24 and A1 keep up the reading

  2. Thanks for the update. It is great to see what the kids have been up to and how they help and support the young ones.

  3. Your blog is amazing ... what a very busy week #Whakapono24 ... #FeedingPigsAndChickens #BikeTrack #BuddyClass #PRIDEValues

  4. I really liked the straw roller coaster.

  5. this work was amazing to look at I enjoyed working with my group and building a amazing roller coaster with them now we are going to make a catapult.

  6. I really liked how we a doing stem projects and we are working on it as a group and the first one was doing a straw roller coaster and now we a doing a catapult and I really liked them they a so amazing.

  7. I really liked how we are doing stem projects and the first one was doing a straw roller coaster and we did by working as a group and now we have another stem project and that is now a catapult and I really liked the roller coasters and now lets see what the catapults a going to be.
