Wednesday 13 February 2019

Week 1- 2019

Welcome back to Rowandale School
for 2019

What a busy first week.  

Welcome back Assembly

Whakapono's first STEAM project 
(Science, Technology, engineering and mathmatics) 

The children were given a leaf and asked why is this leaf brown and leaves on the trees are green

The children stated the veins in the leaves helped nurture the leaf and feed it nutrients to help it grow.   The children drew lines on the veins to show 

Here are the children learning their first DMIC question.  This 
is a long road.  But, it's going to be awesome to see our student using enriched mathematical language.  

Lastly to help build relationships in our class we participated in a team building activity.  


  1. Hi #Whakapono24 thanks for sharing about your year so far at @RowandaleSchool ... team building exercises are so important and I look forward to hearing more about your DMIC and STEAM work

  2. Tino pai to mahi Whakapono 24. Team building is always an important activity, because getting alongside each other will help create a safe and happy learning environment. It will also help you work together to solve those mathematical problems. Have a great year!

  3. Am a very proud mum watching the class doing very well together. Awesome 😁😀😍

  4. What a great learning you guys have from Majete W18

  5. It is great to see the children engaged in variety of activities. It is also amazing to hear my daughter going on about the different strategies that she use to built on her current learning

  6. Amazing work you have been doing W24 from Junior W18

  7. Good work eveyone form w20
